Using How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr. Seuss as a template, How the Trumpster Stole America! is a humorous but important account of how American dreams, ideals, and decorum were annihilated for no good reason at all—by a man whose hands are two sizes too small. The book is both timely and timeless with a happy ending (if you vote!!!) that will endure (if you vote!!!) no matter what happens next in Washington…since God only knows what that might be. (Get others to vote!!!)

Good stories give us the courage to find our moral bearings and to act for the common good (and vote!) This is such a story. WE THE PEOPLE can do this. 

TODAY: Buy here or download at the Amazon Kindle Store

Dinah Roe Kendall

Dinah Roe Kendall

A Parable Retold

And who is my neighbor? Jesus replied: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a Republican was going down that way, and when he saw him, passed him on the other side mumbling, "it's his fault if he doesn't have health care." Likewise a Democrat passed him, and said, "there should be a program to help people like him." But a Muslim while traveling came near him, and when he saw him was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he took him to a hotel, took care of him there, told the manager to keep taking care of him, and upon his return, he would pay him back. Which of these three was a neighbor to this man? Yes. The one who showed him mercy. Go and do likewise.

The Bear

Once upon a time there was a bear sitting on a chair eating a pear.                                                                                                  He did not much care how he got to be sitting on the chair eating the pear…                                                                                though he seemed to remember being thrown in the air:                                                                                                                  He was here then he was there, on the chair eating the pear.

One day, a little boy came by and asked, “Would you like to go to the fair?”                                                                               The bear asked, “Sure, but can I take my pear? And oh my, what would wear?”                                                                         The little boy replied, “You can take your pear. And simply make sure you wear something with flair, but without a tear.     (How about polka-dotted underwear?)"

The bear asked, “will there be other bears with pears at the fair?”                                                                                                The little boy replied, “There may be other bears eating pears, but they may not be wearing something with flair.                      And bear," the little boy continued, "there is a surprise for everyone who goes there to the fair.”                                               “What is it?” asked the bear.                                                                                                                                                             “Every bear who comes to the fair will ride a mare and eat a chocolate éclair!”

And so off the little boy and the bear went to the fair.                                                                                                                   Without a care, they rode the mare, and ate the chocolate éclair.                                                                                                 The bear asked, “Can we come here tomorrow?”                                                                                                                              The little boy replied, “Oh yes, we’ll go some place, but we must wait for tomorrow to find out where.”


written for TBC, age 4