Deb's Bio
Deb loves all things artificial. She is at her best when she is seeming to be something or someone she is not. Ever since she found her bliss (such a “no-duh-hallelujah” moment for her), she vowed to follow it come hell or high water. Her main mission in life now is to load her home with trinkets—you know, the kind you find at check-out registers at stores nationwide. She had always loved collecting things as a child, so her bliss fit her like a VR glove. Now she knows to not even bother looking through the actual store’s inventory. What a waste of time that is! She simply walks straight to the check-out line and examines the myriad of possibilities strewn before her. If she can’t decide which trinket to buy—which is most of the time—, she buys all of them.
And now she wants to write a memoir about her experiences of following her bliss. Like the time she went into a CVS and bought every assortment of lip balm: Chapstick™, Burt’s Bees™ (both the bee’s wax and the tinted kinds), Blistex™, and Carmex™. Or when she went into a Ross—Dress for Less. Never mind the dressing part. In line, she picked up 3 coffee mugs, a box of Christmas cards, 5 phone chargers in 5 separate colors, 4 Harlequin novels, a box of chocolates, and their entire stock of rubber bands. She is excited to write about the Gospel of the Simple Life—which she eloquently summarizes as: The Joy of Possession™. She believes that choosing, tasting (never mind digesting), reading, and/or trying things leads to a life away from mass artificiality, and into individual reality. "That’s WAY too complicated," she writes. “Why not keep things simple? Reality is for the birds™.”
When not in line at a local store, you can find Deb at home either arranging her joy, and/or building another wing to her home to perpetuate her joy. She hopes her book The Gospel of the Simple Life: the Joy of Possession (subtitle: Reality is for the Birds) will encourage others to find the unparalleled joy she has. Possession is simply a gift that keeps on giving.
(Wanna begin your journey into the Simple Life? Please visit Deb’s website (possessisbest.dotcom) to buy merch—t-shirts, hats, mugs, hoodies, towels, underwear, needle point pillows— all printed with our trademarked The Joy of Possession™, or Reality is for the Birds™. Remember don’t waste time choosing: possess is best.)