and Jesus said...
"Blessed are the winners, for they will inherit the kingdom of God", said Jesus never.
"The first shall be first and the last shall be last", said Jesus never.
"Life consists of possessions. And if you don't have enough space, just build bigger barns to accommodate all the stuff", said Jesus never.
"Above all, fear the stranger, the sinner, and the 'other' among you. They all want something from you. Build walls, and run away!" said Jesus never.
"I came for the righteous and those in power, not for the losers who can't get their lives together", said Jesus never.
"Hate your enemy; pray only for those who love you and do you good", said Jesus never.
"You shall look at the plank in the other's eye. You're good. You. are. so good.", said Jesus never.
"I'm glad you brandished your weapon, Peter. I was afraid they'd kill me or something. You saved my life. Where would I be without you?" said Jesus never.